May Cause Desire is a 4-week LIVE online workshop exploring the art and science of Sexual Desire, so you can go from blah sex to feeling oh-so-good in your skin and every area of your life — especially bed!
Your sex life is feeling stuck and in need of a jolt of inspiration. Maybe you’re craving excitement and more sexual fulfillment. Or perhaps your sex life is pretty good and you’re curious to explore something different.
You really love and care for each other, but these days, you feel more like roommates than lovers.
If your sexy romps used to feel fun, hot, and spicy, and now you’re left with bland, sweatpant-filled, Netflix binging, and maintenance sex.
Sex has somehow become something that you feel like you have to do. It’s uninspiring, and if you’re being honest, you have little to no interest. You feel lost because you don’t know what else to do.
The worst part is that you’re feeling alone. You’re worried to talk to your partner about how you feel because you don’t want to make things worse. It’s easier not to rock the boat.